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Pedro Martinez was wrongly accused of serially raping several children over a prolonged period in 2019. The assaults, simply put, could not have happened. Mr. Martinez, the school janitor with no criminal history (who never had even much as a parking ticket) was 100% factually innocent.
The case stemmed from the bizarre accusations of an accuser who had brought nearly identical allegations against several others, including two others that same year. She had a criminal history and was, admittedly, an opiate addict. She was obsessed with child molestation and constantly read articles on the issue, and discussed that with alleged victim repeatedly in the months leading up to her accusations against Mr. Martinez. (And she made concededly false representations during pre-trial hearings that the jury was precluded from hearing). The bolstering evidence was an incredibly coercive forensic interview by one untrained officer from the San Bernadino Sheriff’s Department. Superior officers refused to review that officer’s work, interview the first alleged complaining witness, or investigate the woman who brought the claim.
All forensic evidence – DNA tests, SART-Exam Results, Blood and Semen tests, and Video Surveillance pointed to his innocence.
There was no legitimate corroborating evidence.
Nevertheless, he was charged with eleven counts, 10 of which were life counts of alleged child sexual assault by the Office of the District Attorney for the County of San Bernadino.
Mr. Martinez spent over five years in custody, away from his family, awaiting trial.
Trial began on August 29th, 2023.
One count was dismissed mid-trial for lack of evidence.
After the case was sent to the jury, and prior to the reading of the verdict, Judge Christopher S. Pallone left. Yup. He darn got up and left. Another judge read the verdict. Had there been a question from the jury, the result may well have been a mistrial.
Instead, on December 11th, 2023, after a trial of three and ½ months, the jury acquitted Mr. Martinez on all counts. They had deliberated for approximately seven hours.
The trial was, in a word, bizarre. There may be other words that fit as well. This blog is set up for you to make your own determination.
On the day of his arrest, this aired

Prior to the acquittal, we reached out repeatedly to the journalist.
He initially expressed interest.
We informed him of the verdict. To date, there has been no response, despite repeated requests.
Pe0ple vs. Pedro Martinez, SFVI19000218 (San Bernadino Cty.)
Defense Counsel:
Hon. Chris S. Pallone (Department M2)
DDA Deena Pribble
Katherine McBroom & Ian Wallach